Individual (Professional) Investors

Research you can trust from an independent team of stock obsessives for high net worth individuals and self-elected professionals

Differentiated Research

Don’t just rely on consensus, our independence often leads to us taking a different view on single stocks and the market, culminating in big potential upside and downside.

Domain Expertise

Our emphasis on forensic accounting, corporate governance and fieldwork often means we are overturning stones other research houses miss entirely or lack the incentive to discuss with their clients.

Outsized Returns

We focus on high-impact ideas, and look for stocks that could at least double or halve. We’re looking for names that could make a difference to your performance; both by helping you pick big winners and avoid big losers.

The Analyst thrives on independent thought and cultivating a unique perspective. At any given time, we provide live coverage of at least 50 Pan-European stocks. We aim to look for stocks that could either double or halve in value, but we also write up ideas on many more. Our exploration of the whole market and our extensive travel efforts enable us to create early-stage content. Clients can access all of this through our website and app, which also houses our extensive library of work on the hundreds of ideas we’ve previously covered.

If you’re managing your own wealth or trading for your own account, you’re probably looking for outsized returns and the interesting names to get involved with. The majority of investment research is increasingly focused on incremental returns that could be a little as 10% – consensus content isn’t going to help you realise your investment potential or keep you interested in the market.

The absence of Short, and Sell, content and scepticism in much of our competitors’ work inspires little confidence in preserving your capital.

We aim to identify high impact, single stock ideas that could make a big difference to performance, and focus on the names that matter to our clients.

Matt Littlewood
Head of Sales


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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