Important Disclaimers & Disclosures
Additional Information Regarding Investment Research Issued by The Analyst
This page provides additional information relating to all investment research issued by Analyst Alpha Generation Limited (“The Analyst”), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) of the United Kingdom (registration number 972969) and registered as an investment adviser in the United States of America by the Securities and Exchange Commission (registration number 801-76777).
All investment research issued by The Analyst (collectively and individually referred to as “Research”) is subject to, and must be read in conjunction with, this additional information, which supplements the Important Information and Disclaimer set out on the Research.
The remuneration of The Analyst’s investment analysts is not tied to investment banking transactions performed by The Analyst. The Analyst has not supplied investment banking services to any issuers who were the subject of any Research.
The Analyst, its directors, and employees may have long positions in, or may buy or sell any of the securities, derivative instruments or other investments mentioned or described in Research, either as agent or as principal for their own account. In accordance with the firm’s compliance policies, all relevant transactions require the prior written approval of the firm’s Compliance Officer or nominated delegate. No person may undertake personal transactions in financial instruments to which Research relates, or in any related financial instrument, contrary to the firm’s current recommendations, except in exceptional circumstances and with the prior written approval of the Compliance Officer or nominated delegate. Controls are in place to ensure compliance with the firm’s policies in this area.
The Analyst currently issues the following Research recommendations: Long, Short, and No Current Recommendation. Being assigned a recommendation is determined by an investment’s return potential or the likelihood of the realisation of the return. The table below sets out both The Analyst’s general definition of each such recommendation and the proportion of recommendations in the last quarter that fell into each category of recommendation:
Recommendation | Definition | Proportion of total recommendations (as at 25 February 2025) |
Long | We have a high level of conviction that significant upside is offered to holders of this stock, as quantified by the price target and in the time frame stated. | 43% |
Short | We have a high level of conviction that significant downside will be borne by holders of this stock, as quantified by the price target and in the time frame stated. | 57% |
No Current Recommendation | We do not currently have a sufficiently high level of conviction in the future price direction of this stock and/or the anticipated price change is not sufficiently substantial to merit a recommendation at this time. Any previous rating and, if applicable, the price target, should no longer be relied upon. | N/A |
The Analyst makes no representation or warranty in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in its Research. Research is not intended to be an exhaustive statement on the financial instruments, issuers, markets or developments referred to in its Research. Any opinions expressed in Research are subject to change without notice. The analysis contained in The Analyst’s Research is based on numerous assumptions. Different assumptions could result in materially different results. Save as otherwise disclosed on this page, or in the Important Information and Disclaimer attached to each piece of Research, The Analyst is not aware of any relationships or circumstances relating to it, its investment analysts, or its other employees, which could reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity of its Research.
Nothing in The Analyst’s Research constitutes a representation that any investment strategy or recommendation contained in the Research is suitable or appropriate to a recipient’s individual circumstances. The Analyst does not represent or undertake that recipients of The Analyst’s Research will obtain profits, nor will it share with such recipients any investment profits, nor accept any liability for any investment losses or tax consequences that they may suffer. Investments in any financial instruments involve risks, and recipients of Research should exercise prudence in making their investment decisions. The Analyst’s Research should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for obtaining independent investment advice and/or the exercise of their own judgement, and is not to be relied upon by recipients. Neither The Analyst nor any of its directors, employees or agents accepts any liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use of all or any part of The Analyst’s Research.
The Analyst Research is being issued by Us only to and/or is directed only at persons who are “professional clients” or “eligible counterparties” for the purposes of the FCA Rules and who have entered into a written contractual agreement with Us for the provision of Research (“You”, “Your”, “Client”). The information and recommendations set out in The Analyst Research are intended only for use by such persons, and persons of any other description (including, without limitation, persons who are “retail clients” for the purposes of the FCA Rules) must not act or rely on this Research. For the purposes of the SEC rules, this Research is being issued by The Analyst only to “institutional non-retail investors” and who have entered into a written contractual agreement with Us for the provision of Research (“You”, “Your”, “Client”).
The investments discussed in Research may fluctuate in price or value. Investors may get back less than they invested. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Foreign currency rates of exchange may adversely affect the value, price or income of any security or related instrument mentioned in Research. The Analyst’s Research does not contain an exhaustive statement of the risks associated with the investments or types of investments referred to in the Research.
Any prices stated in The Analyst’s Research are for information purposes only and do not represent valuations for individual securities or other instruments. There is no representation that any transaction can or could have been affected at those prices. Different assumptions, by The Analyst or any other source, may yield substantially different results.
Where Research relates to companies in the financial services sector, recipients should be aware that The Analyst provides equity Research and related services to companies within that sector. Any company mentioned in such Research, or an affiliated company thereof, may therefore be a past, current or potential future client of The Analyst and recipients should note that this may theoretically impact on the objectivity of the Research.
Subject to our compliance rules and all applicable laws and regulations the directors and employees of The Analyst may have long positions in, or may buy or sell any of the securities, derivative instruments or other investments mentioned or described in Research, either as agent or as principal for their own account. A list of current positions can be found below.
© 2025 The Analyst. THE ANALYST and THE ANALYST logo are trademarks of The Analyst or connected persons.
Current Disclosures
Subject to our compliance rules and all applicable laws and regulations the directors and employees of The Analyst may have long positions in, or may buy or sell any of the securities, derivative instruments or other investments mentioned or described in Research, either as agent or as principal for their own account. As of 06 January 2025, the directors and employees of The Analyst held positions in securities of the issuers listed below (or derivatives of such securities):
AJ Bell
Ashtead Group
ASML Holding NV
Associated British Foods
Barclays Plc
Barratt Redrow Plc
Beyond Meat
BP Plc
British American Tobacco
Carvana Co
Castelnau Group Limited
Cellnex Telecom
Challenger Energy
Churchill China Plc
Davide Campari
Deutsche Bank
D’Ieteren Group Plc
Dowlais Group Plc
DSW Capital Plc
Essilor Luxottica
Experian plc
Fielmann AG
Flutter Entertainment PLC
Forterra Plc
Franchise Brands
Frasers Group Plc
Gold Hydrogen
Greater Than
Groupe SFPI
Harbour Energy PLC
Harmony Energy Income Trust Plc
Ibstock Plc
Imperial Brands
International Distributions Services
JD Wetherspoon Plc
Jet2 Plc
Lancashire Holdings
Legal & General
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
Macfarlane Group PLC
MachinenFabrik Berthold Hermie AG
Marks & Spencer
Melrose Industries
Motorpoint Group PLC
National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC
Northern Data AG
Plus500 Ltd
Prysmian s.P.A.
Ramsdens Holdings Plc
Regeneron Pharma
Rockhopper Exploration
Ryanair Holdings
Sanderson Design
Science Group
Shield Therapeutics
Siemens Energy
Smith & Nephew plc
Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust Plc
Sotera Health
Tomra Systems
Yellow Cake
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